5 things YOU can do to improve NETWORKING

Posted by on Nov 26, 2024 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I have been networking for around 14 years now and although this is not what I do as a profession – I have learnt a thing or two along the way and thought I would share some top tips on how to network effectively. I used to be part of a BNI group and although it was an archaic way of doing things that I’m glad to see the back of… there were some VERY effective things at the core of its networking approach.

In this blog I will go through 5 useful things you can do to improve your networking and getting referrals from networking. Which, is usually why many people attend!

First of all let’s get nerves out of the way! They’re natural and if you’re a first time networker – don’t worry – there will be someone else in the room who is a novice too or who feels exactly the same way and EVERYONE has felt that way at some point. Yes, you get hot and flustered and you lose your words and your voice wobbles and cracks. BUT it gets easier every time and sometimes it goes completely. What is important to remember is that everyone is rooting for you and they’re pleased to see you there.

1. Don’t sell to the room

The reason people are happy you are there networking should NOT be because they are hoping to sell to you! Don’t sell to those people in the room. (Obviously you naturally will a bit – but it’s better if you don’t) Instead, sell to their friends, family and contacts. Selling directly to people can come across a bit desperate, it’s a bit uncomfortable for people being sold to as well. It’s like that person who tells you how great they are – it’s annoying and terribly British of us to feel uncomfortable as a result of hearing it. Instead let people decide for themselves that you or your product is great or for them.

For arguments sake let’s say every person in that room knows 200 people – you are selling to those 200 people. The 1 person in the room is the gatekeeper to all of those people and that gatekeeper knows all of those people MUCH better than you do and they will recommend you to the right people within those 200. Sell to the people in the room and they will then do the targeted marketing for you.

2. Know your ideal client & job

If those in the room are going to understand if they (or their contacts) are a potential customer of yours, they will need to know what sort of people you are looking for. Be specific! You may offer a range of services to a wide variety of people but being vague isn’t helpful. Instead, focus in on certain service you’d like to sell more of and the types of people you’d like to work with. What type of people are your ideal client? What sort of specific work are you looking for?

For example if I say “I’m Tom and I offer websites.” The response is “And? So does 1001 other people in Cornwall!” BUT if I say…
“I’m Tom and I offer affordable quality e-commerce websites and I’m looking for anyone who wants to sell online using Shopify and I have extensive experience in the Food & Drink Industry” Then that really lets people think about specific individuals they know who might need your services. You can actually take this even further and name specific companies you’d like to work with. I have often seen people raise their hand and say “I know them, I’ll send an introductory email for you.”

3. Share your referral “tiggers”

No, this is not things that trigger you – but instead things that should trigger the people in the room. Let people in the room know what sort of phrases are a signal that someone needs your help, service or products. Then when they are going about their everyday life and a trigger comes up – they will think of you and recommend you. Or a trigger might make them realise then and there that someone they know needs your services. For example a trigger of mine is anyone with a website that doesn’t work well on mobile. Anyone who sells on Shopify. Or someone who is using a pixelated jpeg logo. Or someone complaining about their Wix website. Or wanting to start selling online or needing new business cards. Think about the things that trigger you into a sale and share them with your referral team!

I highly recommend telling stories when networking. “Person A came to me with problem B and after seeing me the resolution was C.” Stories are memorable, they get re-told and act as great triggers!

4. Have 1-2-1s

1-2-1s are just one on one meetings with people you regularly network with. These are by far and away the most powerful way of improving your referral rate. The reason for this is they allow you to get to know that PERSON better. Not just their business but their personal life, who they are and what they’re about. Then once that relationship is established you then LIKE each other and want to actively try and refer one another. Plus during that 1-2-1 they will have found out all about you, your business, your offering, your triggers, your ideal clients, the sort of work you want to do more of etc. Furthermore they’ll have had more chance to think about who they know and who they can refer you to. Meanwhile you’re doing exactly the same for them – so make sure the 1-2-1s are even and you’re finding out as much about them as they are about you.

5. Support one another

This leads on nicely to the final point! Supporting one another is essential – it can’t be one way traffic. Sometimes it is though and that’s ok – it’s not that people don’t want to refer you – they might just not have come across the right opportunity. Some people might not mix in the right circles and others might have an existing person who provides them the same service you’re offering. BUT doesn’t mean they won’t come good at some point. But if you give them a referral first – more often that not it will be returned in some way shape or form and what is guaranteed is that they will try that bit harder to pass your details onto appropriate people. But don’t give pointless referrals – no one wants their professional time wasted.

The other way to get reciprocal support is to offer help to people in the room if you can. Free advice for example will be gratefully received, they get a window into what you offer and it reflects well on you. If you’re helpful it leaves them with a lovely impression of you, which they then take forward into their every day life. This may well then lead to a referral of one of their many contacts.

That’s you 5 top tips on how to improve networking. I hope you found this useful and if you need any other marketing advice please do get in touch.
I primarily offer branding, web and packaging services and my ideal client is someone looking for a new logo for a product they wish to sell online. Why? Because then I can work with them from the beginning of their journey. Supporting them consistently with logo design, packaging design and then help them sell it online too with a fantastic e-commerce website with Shopify or Woo Commerce!